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About the Journal

The International Journal of Open Schooling is an international, peer reviewed journal. It aspires to publish high-quality original research papers, articles, review articles, and case studies, in the various fields of Distance Learning, Open Education, E-learning, Integrated education and Hybrid learning, which have not been published or considered for publication elsewhere.

The journal is published by National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), one of the national boards in India under the Ministry of Education,Government of India and the largest open schooling in the world with a cumulative enrolment of 2.8 million (approx.) and approximately 0.5 million learners admitted every year.

The Journal provides the academic fraternity, researchers, professional, and practitioners an opportunity for the submission and publication of original high quality empirical research and theoretical papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews pertaining to innovations in open schooling system. The journal will also provide a forum to share views, activities, research and innovations with people across the globe. It shall comprise articles that promote and propagate open schooling/education practices to explore diverse learning cultures and connect us with the benefits and limitations of Open distance schooling.